Minecraft Ideas Inspiration For Your Next Minecraft Build

Minecraft Ideas  Inspiration For Your Next Minecraft Build

What are some cool ideas for building in Minecraft? More than a decade after their release, sandbox games are still some of the best of all time, but that means you'll run out of game ideas for a long time. We've seen it: you've built a city, a castle, or even the Wild West, what's next?

Luckily, there are plenty of unique buildings, farms, and creations to inspire your next Minecraft project. Unlike, for example, our favorite Minecraft house ideas or Minecraft castle ideas, this list is more varied and contains a lot of inspiration. From whimsical Minecraft Nether portals to automated farms, large decorative buildings and simple aquariums, these ideas can be instantly reproduced or simply used as inspiration for your next Minecraft build.

Here are some of the best Minecraft building ideas to try in your world:

Minecraft ideas: A large serpent skeleton lies across the ground, covered in overgrown foliage.

Great Snake Fossil Trace

You must have lived in an ordinary house, but have you ever thought about living in the corpse of a giant snake? Even though Minecraft's mass isn't as large as this snake's, the idea of ​​finding shelter in the bones of a giant creature seems perfect for a survival game. If you have sufficient construction skills, you can take a similar approach to mythical creatures such as dragons.

A Beautiful, warm bedroom interior, on of the best Minecraft build ideas.

Unusual mid-century interior

Interiors can be one of the most challenging things to do when building in Minecraft. However, there are some very creative people who have a natural flair and build entire interiors out of Minecraft blocks, from unique storage spaces to unique bath towels, curtains and lamps.

Love These Blocks is one of those people, and we love this beautiful, warm bedroom interior that seems to be inspired by a simple mid-century cottage, but would be equally beautiful in a cabin in the woods or a small stone house. The Cabin: From the unique staircase leading into the room to the shelving on the walls, the cozy stone fireplace, and the terra cotta blocks that serve as rugs, we love the details in this room. The Love These Blocks design can be used as inspiration for any size bedroom, or even any other room in the house if you remove the bed and replace it with a sofa, staging area or empty storage space.

Fox Cottage

If you're not sure what type of base you want to build, why not build a base inspired by your favorite Minecraft team? Inspired by the LEGO Minecraft Minecraft Fox Lodge set, this Fox base is adorable on the outside, spacious and useful on the inside. This simple ManDooMiN build tutorial on YouTube covers all of the interior design, which is useful if you're as helpless as we are in setting up your Minecraft base. If you really want to have one, shoot like an arctic fox, or try building a similar base inspired by Minecraft Armadillo or Minecraft Ender Dragon to keep enemies at bay.

A Minecraft village build in a giant custom tree, one of the best Minecraft ideas we've seen.

City on a tree

It's a big commitment if you want to try it yourself, but we couldn't help but share this incredible build because it left us speechless. This amazing Minecraft tree city is created by Slooter2 on Reddit, and the image above gives you a better idea of ​​what you're looking at, but it doesn't really do the city justice, so we encourage you to join. You can see more screenshots by following the link above to the original Reddit post. In short, Slooter2 built this giant custom tree to lead the entire village through its various branches and tiers, offering a fantastic view of the underworld.

Nether Sword Portal

Transform the Nether Portal into the center of your base with a unique design. in this case, a giant sword is stuck into the ground. This design also includes the second half of the sword at the bottom to give the appearance of being buried in the ground. Among other things, it requires almost 60 obsidian to create, but the design is more than worth the production costs.

Simple and automated livestock farming

Finding food can be time-consuming, but you can completely eliminate this tedious task by building a livestock farm with a built-in lava furnace. Look, we never said this would be the most humane agriculture you've ever seen, but it sure is effective. The basic idea is that adult cows breed at the top of the farm, creating new cows that are housed at the bottom of the structure. These cows are then placed in the oven for immediate cooking. Cooked food is delivered directly to the drawer below, giving you access to cooked meat when needed.

Automated Village Wheat Farm

If you want to sleep well at night and use animal-friendly farming methods, you can start a wheat farm. Creating a wheat farm requires more effort than creating a livestock farm, but once completed you won't need to make any changes. The wheat farm works automatically thanks to the inhabitants of Minecraft, who are constantly working to ensure that you always have wheat in your bosom.

Burj Khalifa

There are almost no restrictions on building in Minecraft, mainly due to the increased height of the world in Minecraft caves and rocks. Well, Minecraft YouTuber DeltaFlame has done the most impressive thing imaginable with the world's new tallest building: he built a replica of the world's tallest building, the Burj Khalifa. Whether you want to go all out or not, this is an impressive structure brought to life and the perfect inspiration for recreating a real building or landmark.

Railway station and Minkart railway station

Are you looking for a new way to explore the world of Minecraft? Instead of driving everywhere, create an underground station with minecarts in each of your settlements. This can be very useful when mining resources. There is always a career cart nearby for you to take home.

Minecraft WorldEdit Pyramid

Have you ever wondered how some of Minecraft's great monuments were built? Here's a timelapse of a pyramid built using Minecraft WorldEdit, one of the best Minecraft mods that makes building large structures much easier than doing it all by hand. It took FallenQbuilds just under 18 hours to build this pyramid, although we think it would take beginners much longer to build something like this.

Minecraft Aquarium

You know what they say: there's nothing more glamorous than having your own DIY aquarium. Create your own aquarium at home or build your own aquarium at your base. Take your build to the next level by using Minecraft mods to add more fish, including the Minecraft axolotl. Custom aquariums are a great way to naturally add color to your home. Sure, you can use flowers like everyone else, but what's the fun in that?

Submarine base

If you've built every type of foundation imaginable on land, why not opt ​​for an underwater home? The underwater design is ideal for players looking for a quiet place to relax after a busy day. The secret advantage of an underwater house in survival mode is that it is arguably safer than a house on land: you won't have to worry about lost vines or having to hide in the dark. This version looks much better if you use Minecraft shadows to clear the water, but it's not entirely necessary.

Secret Pirate Cove

Have you ever encountered small air bubbles while exploring the underwater world? You can use this room to create a secret pirate cove hidden beneath the depths. These territories themselves turned out to be very large. But be careful when knocking down walls, otherwise you may accidentally step into the surrounding water. Avoiding sudden leaks, you should have a permanent underwater base to impress your friends. This can be a great way to start an experimental experience where you do something you never thought you'd try.

Minecraft ideas: A tribute to H R Giger built in one of the coolest Minecraft builds.

Tribute to HR Giger

H.R. Giger's famous biomechanical designs formed the basis of Ridley Scott's Alien film series and inspired books, films and, of course, video games, including Scorn 2022. Everbloom Games, a team of professional Minecraft developers, has released a comprehensive tribute to the work Giger. . , and it's just as disturbing as you might imagine.

With a huge, dark atrium and a fully realized space jockey housed in its cockpit, this block reconstruction manages to capture the spirit of Giger's work like never before.

I hope these creative Minecraft ideas inspire you to create your next world. Sometimes all you need is a beautiful website to inspire your next build. So, check out our guide to Minecraft seds if you're still stuck for ideas. There are several farms in this guide that are designed to be more efficient. However, if you're looking for something more traditional, check out our Minecraft farms guide for more inspiration.

Additional material from Christian Vaz.