The Rise Of Esports In India: How Brands Can Leverage The Growing Phenomenon

The Rise Of Esports In India: How Brands Can Leverage The Growing Phenomenon
  • Esports are gaining popularity around the world, last week the International Olympic Committee (IOC) held the first ever esports series in Singapore.
  • This growing phenomenon presents huge opportunities for brands.

Imagine a world where the virtual and the real go hand in hand, where adrenaline-pumping battles take place in digital arenas, capturing the hearts and minds of millions. This is an unusual area of ​​esports gaming where professional gamers come together to compete in popular video games. It's a global phenomenon that transcends traditional sports and is changing the way we think about entertainment and competition—so much so that last week, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) hosted its first ever esports series. It has already been recognized as part of the Commonwealth Games and the Asian Games in 2022 and 2018 respectively. But until now, brands have not been able to take advantage of this opportunity. Especially in a country like India, which is one of the fastest growing esports markets in the world with its huge young population, increasing internet penetration and youth interest in gaming.

With an ever-expanding audience and an evolving ecosystem, the potential for brands to create a meaningful presence is enormous. According to industry reports, esports revenue will reach new heights and exceed billions of dollars in the coming years. This unprecedented growth provides brands with an unprecedented opportunity to reach a passionate and engaging audience.

The appeal of esports is that it can capture the hearts and minds of the digital generation. As the top consumers of esports content, Generation Z and Millennials are drawn to the competitive nature, immersive experience, and community engagement that esports offers. Brands that want to make close connections with this audience need to understand and incorporate the cultural importance of esports into their marketing strategies. Here's how brands can take advantage of this growing phenomenon.

Strategic partnerships with esports teams or individual players

Forming strategic alliances with esports teams or individual players is an effective way for companies to take advantage of this opportunity. By partnering with successful teams or players, brands can enhance their image and earn the trust of the gaming community. These partnerships can take the form of sponsorships or product partnerships, allowing brands to reach a highly engaged and tech-savvy audience. For example, in December 2019, international sports brand Adidas hired Fortnite announcer Tyler "Ninja" Blevins to become an Original Adidas Partner. The collaboration resulted in a limited-edition sneaker that sold out within 40 minutes of launch.

Interaction with content creators.

Another direction for brands is influencer marketing in the esports ecosystem. Influencers like Techno Gamerz, MythPat, and Gamer Fleet have built a massive following on platforms like YouTube, where they live stream their gameplay, comment, and interact with their audience. These influencers have a significant impact on their audience's buying decisions and can help brands market their products or services in an authentic and compelling way.

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Brands can explore VR activation to raise awareness and further engage the public. This monetization method works when advertisers buy in-game ad space from the developer. These ads can be embedded directly into the game or viewed as traditional banner ads. This ad has a double benefit, because with the revenue generated by these in-game ads, app developers can provide their users with a free experience.

Esports offers brands a unique platform to push the boundaries of traditional marketing and drive unprecedented innovation. From in-game sponsorship and virtual reality activation to esports content and interactive experiences, the possibilities are endless. Through the use of cutting-edge technology and creative storytelling, brands can create memorable moments that resonate with the esports community and build lasting engagement.

The rise of esports provides a great opportunity for brands to connect with a passionate and engaged audience. By understanding the appeal of esports, embracing authenticity, and customizing experiences that resonate with fans, brands can use this growing phenomenon to make a lasting impact. As the esports industry continues to evolve, brands that innovate and actively participate in the esports ecosystem will be able to achieve long-term success in this exciting and ever-expanding industry.


The opinions expressed above are those of the author.


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