Android 14's Second Developer Preview Stops Apps From Taking Rogue Screenshots
Google has released Android 14 Developer Preview 2, which is good news if you're worried about someone spying on your data. DP2 added a screenshot framework to help developers prevent hackers and spies from using screenshots to capture sensitive information. In other words, it will be difficult for hackers to break into private chats or bank details.
Android 14 testing offers a similar iOS-like way to limit the number of photos an app can use. You can temporarily restrict access to specific photo sets. Don't worry if social media apps see family photos that you'd rather keep private. The DP2 also features a programming kit that allows applications to log in with a password instead of using less secure (and vulnerable) passwords.
Other updates are more subtle. Additional efforts are made to improve performance by limiting the resources applications require when running in the background. And if you're overwhelmed by notifications that refuse to go away, you'll be glad to know that here are some warnings that won't go unnoticed.
At this stage, Android 14 is known to come with several other improvements. It offers broader support for foldable phones and tablets, better accessibility, and regional customization via apps. The new operating system may block the installation of "old" apps, e.g. B. Malware that targets older versions of Android to pass modern security checks.
This software is still very early. The first public beta isn't expected until April, and you won't see release candidates until June. For Pixel (4a or higher) emulator or PC, you need to download it by yourself. Also, Google probably won't reveal everything you expect when Android 14 is ready - we expect to hear more at Google I/O on May 10th. Like other developer previews, DP2 is intended for programmers who want to get started as early as possible and are willing to live with bugs and compatibility issues. For now, we recommend sticking with a mainstream phone where Android 13 reliability and app support are key.